Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Working on some new Comix!

So Matt and I are working on some new comix and I feel real bad for not keeping you all in the loop.
Since the projects aren't in print as of yet and others are still in the script and pencil stages, I decided why not post some quick art in the meantime.

So here are 2 for your peepers you creepers ^_-
 Bad Bunny is currently in developement with his pit, Sergio as a graphic album, so stay tooned!
Below is the runner from a quick sharpie sketch today and some ink tooth brush splatter fun!


  1. Keep 'em coming! We won't more Cossin Comix!!

    1. Hey Thanks, Javier! Lotta' "Bad Bunny" in the works and the final installment of "1Shot2Killz" is currently in the developement process as I type , with a big heaping pile of Cossin Bros Vs. biker chicks!

      And my contributor/collaborator on a new adventure is working through some minor growing pains as he plods along toward the goal, I want to get a quarter of the book in the can before thinking of submitting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Also want to add the effort my collaborator is putting into this yet un-named production is really going to impress a lot of people! It already has me excited and wanting to write more for others!
