
is the publishing arm of the Cossin Bros.


MATT COSSIN             
 Matt  splits his time between comics and film, driven by his true love, storytelling.
 When Matt is not drawing, he is most likely sitting in the darkly lit room,
  writing screenplays. 
                                                                                                                                  MATT's GALLERY
                                                                                      contact: cossinart@hotmail.com
MIKEY [the Ink Cat] COSSIN

  Mikey is a passionately ,prolific character designer and loves creating sequential images in black and white
but currently he makes his way as a Comic Book Colorist, known for his Deadline Marksmanship.   
                                                                                                                                  MIKEY's GALLERY
                                                                                      contact: inthelifeofmikey@hotmail.com

Together and separately the Bros. have provided Storyboards, pencils, inks, colors, character designs for:
AT&T, Boom! Studios, Devil's Due publishing , Dreamwave Productions, Disney Comics , Hasbro , Humanoids Publishing, Insight Studios Group , Radio Comix,  Time Cheetah, and Warner Bros. Animation.

                                            If  you have an art need, they can solve it!